Wellness Oasis
in Zermatt
Discover an oasis of relaxation at the Resort Hotel Alex. Our wellness area invites you to recuperate both your mind and body. Immerse yourself in a world of calm and rejuvenation, where you can indulge in a variety of treatments and facilities. Take a break from everyday life and recharge your energy in our wellness paradise.
Wellness in Perfection
Our wellness infrastructure offers the ideal environment for regeneration and relaxation.
You have free access to our large wellness centre: swimming pool (20 x 25m) with massage jets, air bubble loungers, massage seat and splash showers and a separate whirlpool. Finnish sauna, experience shower, infrared seat, steam bath, fitness room with Technogym equipment, badminton, table tennis, squash court and an indoor tennis court. Massage and beauty treatments can be booked in advance.


Rejuvenation for Mind and Body
The balance between relaxation and activity is delicate and varies from person to person. Find your personal comfort zone: Our wide range of massage and beauty treatments offers you an unforgettable wellness experience.

Massages & Treatments